This guide features our Awaken Chaos Era tier list of all current characters and their ranking in terms of strength in the game so far. We will keep this list up to date with every character release and will rank them soon after. We thoroughly research this information to ensure that we provide an authentic and honest list to help you make a decision on who is best to use in your team.
Awaken Chaos Era is an idle RPG gacha game that is available on Android and iOS and includes a rich story as well as unique characters to collect. For more information about the lore and the game, check out the game’s official website.
Awaken Chaos Era Tier List (2023)
As there’s different categories of heroes in Awaken Chaos Era, such as legendary, and epic etc. we’ve decided to divide each groups into their own mini tier list.
Legendary Heroes
- S-Tier: Flarence (FC-LSF), Gangelo (SP-LOP), Crazed Urzag (CR-LOL), Mulhex (DM-LOW), Mytheasia (SW-LSP), Brand (TI-LDF), Blackhorn (SW-LSW)
- A-Tier: Taliesin (HL-LOF), Yolanda (FC-LSP), Evera (FC-LOP), Pluto (VS-LOW), Rachel (HL-LOP), Brand the Brilliant (TI-LOL), Ciara (SP-LOW), Hydrissea (DM-LOW), Valeria (LA-LOF), Aubry (SP-LSD), Halia (VS-LSW), Evelyn Firstdawn (LA-LSL)
- B-Tier: Garnet (HL-LCD), Urion (HL-LOL), Siress (SW-LOF), Garrell (CR-LOF), Divine Yolanda (FC-LSL), Hector (CR-LOF), Fahim (DM-LOP), Halia (VS-LSW), Evelyn Firstdawn (LA-LSL), Jocasta (CR-LSP), Ztlin (DM-LSF), Tashir (FC-LSW), Boolin (FC-LOP), Bachelard (SW-LOF), Tia (FC-LCW), Rick (TI-LOP), Holy Armor Virgil (SW-LOL), Imogen (FC-LOD), Bella (VS-LOF), Godfery (SW-LSP), Opal (FC-LOW), Corrupt Orakh (CR-LOD), Fianna (HL-LOP), Hayyim (DM-LOW)
- C-Tier: Desmond (SP-LOP), Savanna (DM-LOP), Dark Dragon Asrina (DM-LOD), Balberith (SP-LOF), Lydia (HL-LOW), Donovon (SP-LOP), Terez (SP-LOW), Kasim (CR-LDP), Thor (SW-LOW), Darkened Nicklaus (LA-LOD), Darcy (HL-LOF), Gubeg (CR-LOP), Shark Soul Andre (SP-LOD), Lyerly (VS-LDW)
- D-Tier: Abaddon (SP-LOD), Nicklaus (LA-LOL), Elune (DM-LCW), Nero (HL-LOW), Geironul (HL-LOF)
Epic Heroes
- S-Tier: Santis (SP-EOW), Nathalia (FC-EOW), Hakrin (TI-EDW), Zatlux (DM-EOP), Orakh (CR-EOF), Lunar Melizza (SW-ECL)
- A-Tier: Jonathan (FC-EOW), William (HL-ESW), Vance (LA-EOP), Edicris (HL-EOP), Marian Shadowblood (LA-EOD), Windstrex (SW-ESP), Jacob (HL-EOF)
- B-Tier: Bruszakk (CR-EDF), Andre (SP-EOW), Crixus (HL-EOP), Lordrec (TI-EDW), Hassel (TI-EDF), Antinua (SW-EOP), Epena (TI-EOP), Rickard (TI-EDP), Celestial Kane (SW-EDL)
Lightwing Zachary (FC-EOL), Thomas (HL-EOF), Virgil (SW-ECW), MogNar (CR-EOF)
Hazel (HL-ESW), Scarlett (LA-EOF), Horry (VS-EOW), Jabez (SP-EOD), Hugh (LA-EOP), Urzag (CR-EOP), Trista (LA-ECF), Okubi (CR-ESP)
Melizza (SW-EOF), Beran (VS-EOP), Myla (TI-ECW), Sylan (CR-ECP), Earendil (SW-EOP)
Aurea (TI-ECD), Kane (SW-EDP), Agustin (SP-EOD), Orchi (SW-EDP) - C-Tier: Viola (SP-ESF), Helmar (SW-EOW), Harbeg (FC-EOF), Ghajar (FC-EOP), Asrina (DM-EOF), Bacchi (VS-EOW), Borden (FC-EOF), Kyle (LA-ESW)
- D-Tier: Information will be added soon!
Elite Heroes
- S-Tier: Rogge (DM-BDP), Charles (HL-BDW), Rodira (SW-BSP), Valuk (SP-BOP)
- A-Tier: Joseph (FC-BSW), Connor (HL-BSF), Abbott (HL-BSW), Elson (FC-BOF), Hulens (SP-BOD), Mary (FC-BSL)
- B-Tier: Marian (LA-BSF), Rujago (DM-BDW), Ravyn (SP-BOD), Evelyn (LA-BOF), Agzul (SP-BOD), Cece (SW-BSP), Anna (LA-BDP), Zachary (FC-BOF), Celine (HL-BOW), Kaluk (SW-BOP), Freya (LA-BSP)
- C-Tier: Muudos (DM-BOF), Maluk (SW-BOF), Vught (FC-BOW), Vidar (HL-BDP), Barack (HL-BOW), Rourke (DM-BDW)
- D-Tier: Dulov (HL-BDP), Tuzago (CR-BCP), Mulago (TI-BCW)
Character List
- Abaddon (SP-LOD)
- Abbott (HL-BSW)
- Agustin (SP-EOD)
- Agzul (SP-BOD)
- Andre (SP-EOW)
- Anna (LA-BDP)
- Antinua (SW-EOP)
- Asrina (DM-EOF)
- Aubry (SP-LSD)
- Aurea (TI-ECD)
- Bacchi (VS-EOW)
- Bachelard (SW-LOF)
- Balberith (SP-LOF)
- Barack (HL-BOW)
- Bella (VS-LOF)
- Beran (VS-EOP)
- Blackhorn (SW-LSW)
- Boolin (FC-LOP)
- Borden (FC-EOF)
- Brand (TI-LDF)
- Brand the Brilliant (TI-LOL)
- Bruszakk (CR-EDF)
- Cece (SW-BSP)
- Celestial Kane (SW-EDL)
- Celine (HL-BOW)
- Charles (HL-BDW)
- Ciara (SP-LOW)
- Connor (HL-BSF)
- Corrupt Orakh (CR-LOD)
- Crazed Urzag (CR-LOL)
- Crixus (HL-EOP)
- Darcy (HL-LOF)
- Dark Dragon Asrina (DM-LOD)
- Darkened Nicklaus (LA-LOD)
- Desmond (SP-LOP)
- Divine Yolanda (FC-LSL)
- Donovon (SP-LOP)
- Dulov (HL-BDP)
- Earendil (SW-EOP)
- Edicris (HL-EOP)
- Elson (FC-BOF)
- Elune (DM-LCW)
- Epena (TI-EOP)
- Evelyn (LA-BOF)
- Evelyn Firstdawn (LA-LSL)
- Evera (FC-LOP)
- Fahim (DM-LOP)
- Fianna (HL-LOP)
- Flarence (FC-LSF)
- Freya (LA-BSP)
- Gangelo (SP-LOP)
- Garnet (HL-LCD)
- Garrell (CR-LOF)
- Geironul (HL-LOF)
- Ghajar (FC-EOP)
- Godfery (SW-LSP)
- Gubeg (CR-LOP)
- Hakrin (TI-EDW)
- Halia (VS-LSW)
- Harbeg (FC-EOF)
- Hassel (TI-EDF)
- Hayyim (DM-LOW)
- Hazel (HL-ESW)
- Hector (CR-LOF)
- Helmar (SW-EOW)
- Holy Armor Virgil (SW-LOL)
- Horry (VS-EOW)
- Hugh (LA-EOP)
- Hulens (SP-BOD)
- Hydrissea (DM-LOW)
- Imogen (FC-LOD)
- Jabez (SP-EOD)
- Jacob (HL-EOF)
- Jocasta (CR-LSP)
- Jonathan (FC-EOW)
- Joseph (FC-BSW)
- Kaluk (SW-BOP)
- Kane (SW-EDP)
- Kasim (CR-LDP)
- Kyle (LA-ESW)
- Lightwing Zachary (FC-EOL)
- Lordrec (TI-EDW)
- Lunar Melizza (SW-ECL)
- Lydia (HL-LOW)
- Lyerly (VS-LDW)
- Maluk (SW-BOF)
- Marian (LA-BSF)
- Marian Shadowblood (LA-EOD)
- Mary (FC-BSL)
- Melizza (SW-EOF)
- MogNar (CR-EOF)
- Mulago (TI-BCW)
- Mulhex (DM-LOW)
- Muudos (DM-BOF)
- Myla (TI-ECW)
- Mytheasia (SW-LSP)
- Nathalia (FC-EOW)
- Nero (HL-LOW)
- Nicklaus (LA-LOL)
- Okubi (CR-ESP)
- Opal (FC-LOW)
- Orakh (CR-EOF)
- Orchi (SW-EDP)
- Pluto (VS-LOW)
- Rachel (HL-LOP)
- Ravyn (SP-BOD)
- Rick (TI-LOP)
- Rickard (TI-EDP)
- Rodira (SW-BSP)
- Rogge (DM-BDP)
- Rourke (DM-BDW)
- Rujago (DM-BDW)
- Santis (SP-EOW)
- Savanna (DM-LOP)
- Scarlett (LA-EOF)
- Shark Soul Andre (SP-LOD)
- Siress (SW-LOF)
- Sylan (CR-ECP)
- Taliesin (HL-LOF)
- Tashir (FC-LSW)
- Terez (SP-LOW)
- Thomas (HL-EOF)
- Thor (SW-LOW)
- Tia (FC-LCW)
- Trista (LA-ECF)
- Tuzago (CR-BCP)
- Urion (HL-LOL)
- Urzag (CR-EOP)
- Valeria (LA-LOF)
- Valuk (SP-BOP)
- Vance (LA-EOP)
- Vidar (HL-BDP)
- Viola (SP-ESF)
- Virgil (SW-ECW)
- Vught (FC-BOW)
- William (HL-ESW)
- Windstrex (SW-ESP)
- Yolanda (FC-LSP)
- Zachary (FC-BOF)
- Zatlux (DM-EOP)
- Ztlin (DM-LSF)
How Many Characters Are There In Awaken Chaos Era?
There are over 150 characters currently in Awaken Chaos Era, with plans to increase the roster considerably in future updates. We’ll update this guide with each character release and place them into our ranking system.
S Tier List
The best characters in the game, and deemed the strongest when it comes to their abilities. We recommend trying to obtain an S-tier character as soon as possible.
A Tier List
Fantastic characters and great replacements if you don’t manage to get your hands on an S tier. They can be used alongside S-tier characters and can easily help you clear content.
B Tier List
Not the best in terms of strength but they’re good fillers at the start of the game. They can be used as a support choice to aid your A-tier and S-tier characters.
C Tier List
It’s best to avoid placing these characters in your party, especially if you want to clear content efficiently.
D Tier List
Not worth upgrading or using at all and should be avoided completely.
About The Game
Awaken Chaos Era is a turn-based RPG set in a distant mythical land where a constant struggle between light and dark threatens to tear the realm apart. In an attempt to mend it, you must embrace your inner hero and join the battle. Fight your enemies in a strategic combat mechanic, explore the expansive realm, and play through the emotive campaign.
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