In the wake of the recent devastating earthquake/tsunami in Japan, our good friends at iPhone Gamer UK and AppsJP have teamed up to launch a very special initiative that gives you the opportunity to make a charitable donation to one or more aid organizations and get an awesome iOS game like Double Dragon or Spirits in return.
“Due to the serious damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami in northern part of Japan, AppsJP in collaboration with iPhoneGamerUK would like to throw a giveaway under the name of Save the casualties in Japan.
In this giveaway we would ask you to make a donation to help those in Japan who have been hit by this devastating earthquake/tsunami. In return we will be offering the chance for you to receive a promo code for games, a list of which can be found here and will be regularly updated pending more support from developers and/or publishers.
One developer has already made all of his games free and has instead asked that you make a small donation instead of buying his games.
If any other developers are reading this and would like to participate and help by providing codes, or help in any other way, feel free to contact AppsJP or iPhoneGamerUK. If anyone else would like to just donate instead and help Japan in this time of need then feel free to donate. A list of where you can donate is here. May God be with the victims.”