It is well-known that certain industries are a closed book without a degree. Is this the case for gaming? Many career options value life experience as an alternative to qualifications. Are there alternative ways in which you can make yourself attractive to employers? With companies spending billions on game creation each year, especially iOS gaming, the industry requires employees who bring qualifications or impressive experience and portfolios.
Big Business
Luckily, for those wanting to be part of ‘the game,’ the industry is ever-growing and was worth $23 billion in 2017. Due to this exponential growth, there are a number of different ways to break into the job of your dreams, even if you are not college educated.
If you hold a passion for game design, you are probably aware of the gaming software around, such as Game Maker or Unity. Having a portfolio of all of your experience and what you have achieved with your hobby or pastime is an important facet of breaking into the gaming world. Some people create their own games, while others mod existing ones or create their own mini-studio. Wherever your passion lies, being able to show off these skills to potential employers will always stand you in good stead.
Do bear in mind though, that having a college degree is never seen as a drawback; what is more, earning a degree in game design can make the path to your dream job much smoother. So, if you have a chance, and the will-power, go for it. Furthermore, an online qualification in the area you wish to work in would also be desirable to an employer. There are a variety of cost-effective learning solutions for individuals that look great on the CV and advance your own personal development in the subject.
Life Experience?
Life experience of gaming does hold some weight too. Being able to show a real-life understanding of the way in which game design works will impress an employer, especially if you can show a depth to your knowledge and make those enjoyable hours completing and researching your favourite games relevant to the creation of new ideas and concepts.
A college degree is advantageous to break into the industry, however there is hope if you wish to enter via alternative routes. Keep all your experience of gaming and game design in a portfolio too as this will be your evidence-base for any potential employer.